Creating a Self-Signed Certificates for Azure


When it comes to configuring applications or services that require SSL/TLS communication, having a self-signed certificate for testing or development purposes becomes almost indispensable. This is even more relevant when you’re dealing with services on Azure, where security is paramount.

Today, I’ll walk you through a PowerShell script that not only creates a self-signed certificate but also exports it in both .pfx and .cer formats.
Setting the Scene

Let’s start by defining some custom variables:

$friendlyName = “Azure SelfSigned Cert Name”
$subjectName = “CertificateName”
$certStorePath = “cert:\LocalMachine\My”
$exportPath = “C:\Temp\”
$passwordPlainText = “YourPasswordHere”

Here, $friendlyName is a descriptor for your certificate. $subjectName will serve as the Common Name (CN) for the certificate, and $certStorePath specifies the certificate store location in your system. Finally, $exportPath indicates where you want to save your certificate, and $passwordPlainText will be the password for your .pfx file.

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