Study guide for Azure Solutions Architect

Hello there, cloud enthusiasts!

If you’ve landed on this page, it’s likely that you’re preparing for the AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam. This exam is the latest version designed to validate your knowledge and skills needed to design solutions that run on Microsoft Azure, including aspects such as compute, network, storage, and security. Today, I’m excited to share my insights and the study guide that helped me successfully pass the AZ-305 exam recently.


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My aim with this blog post is to provide you with a comprehensive guide that outlines the resources I found most helpful, my study strategy, the areas that the exam concentrates on, and some exam-taking tips that can provide an extra edge.

Understanding the AZ-305 Exam

Before we delve into the details, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the AZ-305 exam. The exam primarily revolves around designing Azure infrastructure solutions, where you’re expected to:

  1. Design Monitoring: Implement and configure resources to generate alerts and logs, design an Azure Monitor strategy, design a system for logging and monitoring.
  2. Design Identity and Security: Design an identity management strategy, design governance, design security for applications.
  3. Design Data Storage: Design a strategy for databases, design data integration, design a data protection strategy.
  4. Design Business Continuity: Design a strategy for backup and recovery, design for high availability.
  5. Design Infrastructure: Design a compute solution, design a network solution, design an application architecture, design migrations.

Studying For the AZ-305 Exam

Microsoft Learn

There is no better place to start than Microsoft Learn, the official learning platform from Microsoft. I followed their learning path titled “AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions,” which is a well-structured resource with detailed modules on each topic.

Microsoft Documentation

Microsoft’s documentation is an invaluable resource when it comes to understanding specific topics in detail. I cannot stress enough how helpful the official Azure documentation was in clearing my doubts.

Practice with Azure Free Tier

Azure provides a free tier that you can use to practice and experiment with. I found that practical experience was instrumental in my preparation. It allows you to grasp the theoretical concepts more effectively and learn how to implement them in real-world scenarios.

Instructor-led Training and Learning Resources

Consider enrolling for instructor-led training. Microsoft offers official courses like “Course AZ-305T00-A: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions”. These can be very helpful in guiding your study, especially if you are new to Azure or if you learn better in a structured environment.

I also used the Exam Ref AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions, an official study guide book published by Microsoft. The book covers all the exam objectives and provides additional study and review tools.

Mock Exams

One of the key components of my preparation was taking multiple mock exams. Mock exams helped me gauge my preparedness, understand the exam pattern, and get a feel for the type of questions asked.

Exam Tips

Here are some additional tips that helped me succeed:

  1. Time management: This is crucial. The exam is lengthy, and you need to allocate your time wisely.
  2. Read carefully: Read the question and all the options carefully before answering.
  3. Practical experience: A solid understanding of Azure comes with practice, so make sure you have hands-on experience.
  4. Rest well: Ensure that you get a good night’s sleep before the exam.

In conclusion, passing the AZ-305 exam is an achievable goal with the right preparation strategy. Remember, the journey to becoming an Azure Solutions Architect is not just about passing the exam, but it’s about truly understanding and mastering the Azure platform. Happy studying, and I wish you the best of luck on your AZ-305 exam!

Joao Paulo Costa

Author: João Paulo Costa

MCP, MCT, MCSA, MCITP, MCTS, MS, Azure Solutions Architect, Azure Administrator, Azure Network Engineer, Azure Fundamentals, Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator Expert, Microsft 365 Messaging Administrator, ITIL v3.

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